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Jon sez

I bet Mark would like for all our pages to involve spheres on backgrounds that are washed out white because of high luminance. Sadly, this is not to be.

In closing, I've been informed that this week involves a number of holidays and moments of import, including the shortest day of the year, so I'm going to wish everyone a set of Happy Holidays then I'm going to go back to chipping ice off my wife's car.

Mark sez

That's the truth. The complexity of the next page is going to make up for the simplicity of this one in spades, that's for sure.

So yes, and speaking of Merry Christmas and whatnot. Will there be a comic on Christmas Day? Well, um... Probably, yeah, unless I find myself stuck on a freeway somewhere! Which could happen! So if there isn't one, have a good one!

P.S.: Man, why didn't anyone tell me I forgot to clean up the borders in the previous comic? Well, I'll just fix that up real quick and no one will ever know.